Posts made in December, 2012

Detoxification and (Crazy Sexy) Cleanse

Posted on Dec 3, 2012 in Health & Wellness, Nutrition | 3 comments

green juice

I’ve been wanting to do a cleanse for more than a year now. Sadly, I haven’t done one yet. But today that’s all changing. Today, I put the stake in the ground and embarked on my first cleanse!

The reason it’s taken me so long is, first, I didn’t think I could give up my daily morning ritual of coffee or  my nightly dose of sugar. After dinner, I loved eating cookies or other sweets. But I gave up these two vices on January 10th of this year when my breast surgeon said to me those three frightening words you never want to hear “you have cancer.”

I also wasn’t sure I could go a whole day without eating solid food and only consuming liquids (I’m still worried about this portion of the cleanse so I’ll most likely limit it to once a week or maybe only twice through the cleanse).

There’s also the detox portion of feeling ill due to the toxins being released and eliminated from your body. Hopefully, it’s not too bad for me since I eat a pretty clean diet now and do my best at keeping chemicals and toxins out of my home and yard.

However, since heavy metals and other toxins accumulate over years we all have toxic build up in our bodies. My toxic metal test showed that I have elevated levels of lead and mercury. The latter most likely due to the silver dental fillings I had since childhood (I’ve since had them removed).

And lastly, one of the other challenges to starting this cleanse and detoxification was picking which one. Since there are so many different types and ways to cleanse and detoxify, it was a bit overwhelming for me to know which one was right for me. Enter, Crazy Sexy Cleanse…


Kris Carr’s 21-day Crazy Sexy Cleanse

Kris Carr's Crazy Sexy Diet

I’ve decided to do Kris Carr‘s 21-day cleanse from her book Crazy Sexy Diet (it’s a MUST-READ for any wellness junkie). But I’m doing it with some additional detoxification elements that my naturopathic doctor prescribed to me. They are as follows: Two drops, twice a day of a tincture he specifically prepared for me (based on my needs); drinking BioCleanse Plus (provides liver support to aid in the detoxification process) from BioGenesis; and alternating between Bikram Yoga twice a week and far infrared sauna, also twice a week, to sweat out impurities and toxins, which further helps detoxify my body.

I’ve never done far infrared sauna, so that should be interesting and I’ve only done Bikram yoga once before. I loved it, but I thought I was going to die! It certainly is an experience. Even though I loved the experience, I think it scared me a bit because I haven’t done it since that first time, but I’m going to commit to twice a week starting today.

What I really love about Carr’s cleanse is it’s flexible and not rigid. I love her spirit and guidance. She knows how to give you the info and the tools; but at the same time, she teaches you to embark on the cleanse with openness and forgiveness. The forgiveness part is a huge help. Especially for me since I’ve always been an all or nothing type of gal. Do it perfect or don’t do it at all. Yep, I was all about “work hard, play hard,” which I’ve since realized is so unhealthy. It’s that mentality and stressful way of life that most likely was a contributing factor in me getting cancer (IMHO).

During this cleanse it’s my hope that I’m able to try out some of Carr’s recipes in Crazy Sexy Diet. My challenge is that I really don’t like to cook and have never really been a recipe person, but I need to expand my oh so limited menu and embrace new and healthy dishes (preferably plant-based dishes). And if I’m successful then I’ve decided to reward myself at the end of the cleanse and treat myself to Carr’s new book Crazy Sexy Kitchen. It will be a real treat because she’s my wellness hero!

“Crazy Sexy” 21-day cleanse and detoxification, here I come!

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