Goodbye Beautiful Sister @Jada_FA, You Will Be Missed

Posted on Feb 5, 2014 in Breast Cancer | 2 comments

@Jada_FA photos

Breast cancer, particularly the breast cancer social media (#bcsm) community, is a community and sisterhood that none of us want to be a part of, but we’re so thankful it exists when we do become a part of this sisterhood.

I don’t remember exactly when I stumbled upon the #bcsm community and its Monday night Twitter chat, but it was sometime in September 2012 when I set up my “Carrots and Kale” @CarrotsandKale Twitter account, which was several months after my January 2012 breast cancer diagnosis. However, I do remember how I found it. It was a tweet by @boingboing blogger and journalist Xeni Jardin @xeni. Thank you Xeni! The #bcsm community has been a Godsend and I’m so thankful to have found it.

I’m mostly a lurker in the #bcsm community because the Monday night chat moves pretty quickly and I work on Monday nights so some nights it’s hard to keep up with switching back and forth from work to the chat. But on quiet work nights, I’m able to participate in the chat. Last night work was pretty busy so I wasn’t able to jump over to the #bcsm chat until the very end of it. That’s when I saw tweets about @Jada_FA’s passing (@Jada_FA on Twitter and @yehida on Instagram).

For some reason it hit me like a bullet to the chest. I didn’t know Jada/yehida personally and only recently started following her after seeing tweets of hers through conversations she was having with other #bcsm women who I follow. But what I witnessed and gathered through her tweets was that she was a gentle soul with a spirit so full of light and love.

It’s amazing how you can get a sense of someone in as little as 140 characters. We all follow a lot of people, but every now and again, certain people shine a little brighter and touch your soul more than others. She was one of them for me. I wish she had more time and I wish I had the opportunity to know her personally. She was filled with love and beauty (inside and out) and a spirit so gentle yet so strong.

She will be missed by many and my heart goes out to her family and friends. This world is a little darker with her not in it. But the spirit world has gained a beautiful angel, spirit, soul.

Even though I did not know her personally, the news of her loss brought tears to my eyes. It hurts. It hurts because she was so young. With so much more life to live. Too young to die. It hurts because she was part of our sisterhood and her death hits home for us because we have the same disease.

Breast cancer is an ugly and sneaky disease that can’t be trusted and there is no cure for it. It infuriates me that we have no cure, that we don’t know what causes it and we are dying from it every day. I think Xeni summed it up so eloquently when she tweeted this:

@xeni tweet











Well said, Xeni.

Here’s Jada’s last tweet and final words to us on Twitter:

@Jada_FA last tweet









Goodbye sister. You are loved and you will be missed. xoxo



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